SIA-NEA Joint Webinar 2023

Event start15:00 PM
Duration2 hrs ( from 3:00pm to 5:00pm )
VenueZoom Webinar
CPD4 points


Topic: Compliance with Building Height Constraint (BHC) requirement by Ms. Gina Xu
Flue gas generated from fuel burning equipment has to be discharged from a chimney of adequate height and be properly dispersed so as not to cause any adverse impact to the surrounding area. Building height constraint (BHC) will be imposed on the surrounding developments in the vicinity of the chimney where new buildings in the area should not exceed the BHC requirement.

With the increasing need to intensify lands where surrounding buildings are required to be built higher, NEA has received increasing numbers of waiver requests for buildings/structures in the vicinity of proposed or existing chimneys to waive their compliance with the BHC requirement. However, such non-compliance may cause obstruction to the dispersion of flue gas and cause building down-wash effect. This will in turn result in accumulation of pollutants’ concentration at ground level, deterioration to the ambient air quality and negative impact on public health.

The speaker will explain the importance of the BHC requirements, advise how/where can QPs obtain environmental information of their surroundings and share the requirements for proposed developments with chimney and proposed receptors in the vicinity of an existing chimney.

Topic: Pneumatic Waste Conveyance System (PWCS) – Post-Implementation by Ms. Irene Sin
All new strata-titled properties with 500 or more residential dwelling units shall be provided with a Pneumatic Waste Conveyance System (PWCS). Since 2020, COPEH requires the design of PWCS provided in new developments to comply with Singapore Standard SS642 – Code of Practice for PWCS (SS642). As the PWCS continues to be widely adopted, architects may gain better insights through sharing of best practices and avoiding common errors made in building design required to comply with SS642.

This presentation will share the good practices as well as common issues observed during DC/BP submissions and TOP inspections of building sites. It will also cover the challenges that NEA faced post implementation of the PWCS.

Topic: Proposed COPEH Amendment on design provisions required for developments within a DPWCS Area by Mr. Toh Kui Ching
Under the Environmental Public Health Act (EPHA), the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, declare an area to be a DPWCS Area where the waste management of the area to be served by a pneumatic waste conveyance system (PWCS).

The owner(s) or occupier(s) of every premises within the declared DPWCS Area must use the PWCS established, operated, or maintained by the DPWCS licensee for the Area. Developments are required to design their internal waste collection systems to be connected to the DPWCS network.

This presentation will cover the design provisions required for developments within a DPWCS Area under the proposed amendment for the Code of Practice on Environmental Health (COPEH).


Gina Xu
Ms. Gina Xu is a Senior Engineer with the Development Control and Licensing Division (DCLD), National Environment Agency (NEA). She is involved in assessing technical studies related to environmental impacts on air, water and noise pollution. She also assesses Building Plan (BP), Pollution Control Equipment (PCE), industrial Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) and industrial Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) applications to ensure compliance with environmental health and pollution control requirements stipulated in the relevant Regulations and Codes of Practices.

Irene Sin
Ms. Irene Sin is a Senior Engineer of the Waste Collection Systems & Compliance Branch under the Waste Management Division of the National Environment Agency. Among other duties, the Branch oversees the implementation of waste collection systems by developments in Singapore. This includes reviewing policies and requirements for the storage and collection system of refuse and recyclables in the Code of Practice on Environmental Health (COPEH).

Toh Kui Ching
Mr. Toh Kui Ching is a Senior Engineer of the Waste Collection Systems & Compliance Branch under the Waste Management Division of the National Environment Agency. Among other duties, the Branch oversees the implementation of waste collection systems by developments in Singapore. This includes reviewing policies and requirements for the storage and collection system of refuse and recyclables in the Code of Practice on Environmental Health (COPEH).


2.45pm Admit Attendees
3.00pm Opening remarks by SIA
3.05pm Compliance with Building Height Constraint (BHC) Requirement by Ms. Gina Xu
3.25pm Pneumatic Waste Conveyance System (PWCS) – Post-Implementation by Ms. Irene Sin
3.55pm Proposed COPEH Amendment on design provisions required for developments within a DPWCS Area by Mr. Toh Kui Ching
4.15pm Q&A
5.00pm End of Webinar
This event has passed.